Team Matrix | Success Stories | SHB

Team Matrix

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Acquisitions Acquisitions Acquisitions Acquisitions Acquisitions

Size: 9,942 Sqft.

Sector: Consulting

Service: Acquisitions

Address: Milton Keynes

Type: Conventional Office


SHB were appointed by Team Matrix to acquire a new office in Milton Keynes, with sufficient access to car parking and amenities. In addition, SHB were appointed to advise on dilapidations for the previous office.

The client was 9 months away from their lease event, however, wanted to secure the space ASAP to ensure a smooth transition with the required fitout implemented.

Three properties were negotiated on to ensure the client received the best terms. Partis House was chosen as the preferred option. SHB achieved a rent reduction of £1.50 psf, plus 15 months rent free at the start of the  term with a further 9 months subject to the break not being enacted.

SHB achieved over £380,000 in savings over a 10 year term.