Business rates on your office space | SHB
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Business Rates

Business rates are property taxes paid by the occupants of commercial properties to the local authority.

They are paid every month for 10 months of the year (April to January) and tend to be intrinsically linked to the rent on the space. Sometimes, the local authority will mis-assess the space you occupy and this will lead to the wrong amount of business rates payable. Over the length of a lease this can add up to significant sums of money.

Our in-house rating team have years of experience ensuring our clients are paying the correct business rates. If you have any reason to believe your rateable value is not correct, we can advise on the next steps and how to appeal against the revised rateable value for your property. Please note rates can go up or down on appeal so it is important to know whether it is worth appealing the rates before going through the process.

How it works




Book a consultation with one of our specialist rating surveyors.

We will carry out a free assessment and together we will come to a decision of whether an appeal should be lodged.

We will lodge the appeal to the local authority on your behalf, managing all aspects for you with the end goal of achieving you the best outcome.