Sir Robert McAlpine | Success Stories | SHB

Sir Robert McAlpine

Acquisitions Acquisitions Acquisitions Acquisitions Acquisitions

Size: 30,000+ Sqft.

Sector: Consulting

Service: Acquisitions

Address: Multiple locations across the UK

Type: Conventional Office


SHB were appointed by SRM to provide strategic advice on their national portfolio existing of regional offices, project offices and other project sites. In total SRM have 18 sites around the country.

SHB provided advise on potential exit strategies for both Freehold and Leasehold assets.

As a spin off from the SRM relationship there are also other potential acquisitions that SRM carry out for their partners around the country. Current ongoing projects include upcoming disposals in Bristol, London, the Home Counties and Manchester, acquisitions in Birmingham, London, Manchester and Warrington.