Greyhound Capital | Success Stories | SHB

Greyhound Capital

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Acquisitions Acquisitions Acquisitions Acquisitions Acquisitions

Size: 3,600 Sqft.

Sector: Finance

Service: Acquisitions

Address: West End

Type: Conventional Office


Greyhound Capital acquired 3,600 sq. ft. on the 11th Floor of Smithson Tower (previously Economist Building) completing November 2019 – occupation by May 2020.

SHB were instructed to assist in finding Greyhound capital a ‘best in class’s’ HQ.  After searching the market and constructing cashflows on various units. We assisted in whitling down a short list of preferred options.  SHB negotiated on the short-listed options for Greyhound which showed the deal level on each unit.

Through taking a 10-year deal with a break option at the 5th year we agreed £10 off the headline rent and achieved 24 months’ rent free across the term.

An additional carpet allowance and floor box allowance was also negotiated into the deal.

SHB managed to achieve savings of over £1,300,000 across the term.